Thursday, June 21, 2007


A brief post before I disappear from the internet for a bit:

It looks like getting into my research job has left me less time to post. Also, though, I've been having my own internal processes and struggles that haven't been ready for posting - I haven't felt any nudges to post.

I am about to depart (after a couple hours of sleep) to go to the YFNA/WGYF reunion in Barnesville, OH for the weekend, followed by Quaker Camp (same place). From there I will be traveling to FGC Gathering where I'll be a counselor for the High School Program. Shortly after Gathering I'll then be attending NCYM(C) Yearly Meeting Sessions. It's a packed few weeks, but it will be great. Perhaps I will run into one or two of you Quaker bloggers out there.

I am excited, but also hope that I have focus and am fully present.

Love and Light,


Liz Opp said...

And all this time I thought I wasn't going to see you at Gathering! smile

Have wonderful trips and travel safely. ...I hope we'll at least be able to exchange a quick hug when in River Falls!

Liz Opp, The Good Raised Up

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